Digital marketing
for changemakers

We build storylines, websites and digital infrastructure that reduce overwhelm, make your signal stand out against the noise, and get your message across.

»A team that I can only recommend to work with«
– Dr. Heiner Doerfler, Switzerland
Trusted by

Does your regenerative business suffer from these symptoms?

🤔 Uncertainty

You’re constantly wondering where your next client or customer is coming from – you don't have a reliable system working for you.

😵‍💫 Digital Overwhelm

You don’t know what to pick from the sea of marketing options with no clear direction or priority – if you pick one, will another one turn out to be the best?

🫠 Dense Marketers

Agencies lack the depth and perspective to grasp the relevance of your mission, unable to get it across – you don't feel well represented.

😤 Frustration

Unsustainable competitors fly and leave you wondering about your chosen path – is not paying attention really rewarded better than paying attention?

🫥 Scattered and Stuck

You understood the 21st century regeneration call by broad systems thinking – but how to now get precise, hit resonance and get a business off the ground?

😮‍💨 Chronic Tension

Your economic situation sparks worry, kills your flow and keeps you in a reactive (not creative) state – noone can truly move the needle like this.

Let's change that

With a Digital Mission Hub that lights people up, gets them on board and funds your work

🔮 Marketing Demystified

High-leverage methods for most-needed missions: Clear ways to have people to find your page, get on board and become customers or clients.

🎯 Precise Positioning

Make a specific tribe of people feel precisely addressed (and noone else) – make it easy to join your mission and take you up on your offer.

🧬 Your Uniqueness, Visible

What you're about, reproduced in the web and understood by people – your business DNA and unique digital fingerprint.

🔥 Inspiring collaboration

Work with partners that actually understand your mission, can simplify it and make people understand why they should come along for the ride.

⚓️ Dependable Systems

Trust robust and intuitive digital systems to represent your mission online and send new opportunities your way – without the headache of exploded code.

🚀 Flowstate Work

Gather momentum and be free to contribute what you’re really here for – watch yourself enabled to create impact and legacy.

Our core services

Turn overwhelm into clarity and clients

🧭 Marketing Strategy

Starting with your mission and character, we’ll figure out what works best for you and who to talk to, picking the right pieces of a modular system.

– Target Group and Customer Journey
– Offer and Business Model Innovation
– Channel Strategy

🚀 Digital Mission Hub

Your website as the epicenter of your online presence, turning visitors into customers and clients. A platform under your control – you know, when billionaires feel experimental …

– Webflow Websites
– Landing Pages
– Funnel Systems

💌 Content Marketing

Spread your message, spark curiosity and draw attention to your offer, creating goodwill and a constant buzz around your mission – without being obnoxious or pushy.

– Email Marketing, SEO & Ads
– Lead Magnet Creation
– Personal Branding with Social

»Our sales team uses it every day.«
»The landing page speeds up our work significantly and our sales team uses it every day. I don't know of any other company that has such a concise summary of its own mission.

Finally, an agency with its own mission with a genuine interest in the subject and a quick grasp of it. I am convinced that they can take a stand against bigger players and punch above their weight.

After 30 years of tiring experiences with agencies, working with Growintoflow was refreshingly different. I had a lot of fun working with them, the industry needs more agencies like this!«

Stefan Endlweber

CEO, Baukom Group

Bauwende Initiative
The Bauwende Initiative is an invitation to the entire construction industry to go circular as quickly as possible.

In cooperation with legendary Prof. Braungart, Rejell Film, and key players of the German construction sector we created awareness for a sustainable and regenerative way of building with the slogan Built for your kids.
»I almost didn’t hire anyone to build a website because I did not want to put in the time, attention and money, …
… but a beautiful, robust and up-to-date website for my practice and office makes me glad I changed my mind. It’s packed with deep and well researched blog articles that make potential clients understand what I do in advance.

I loved your availability on short notice for necessary fixes on the page, with ready-to-use technological know-how and an eye for how my work stands out. I can tell you really poured your heart in this to get it right, with the skill to distill complex topics down to a digestible essence.

Glad to have you guys as an uncomplicated and reliable team that I can only recommend to work with.«

Dr. med. Heiner Dörfler

Zurich, Switzerland

For pioneers that are fed up with the backdraft of thinking ahead

Obstacle #1

As the internet took off,
marketing options exploded 🤯

Marketing? I think you spelled »overwhelm« wrong. What has once been a straightforward three-step of print, radio and TV exploded into a multiverse of competing digital options today … (some work better than others, it's in the data)

Fact #2

People bounce off your website, quickly

Trying to find people’s attention span and patience? We got your back, here’s a microscope. Social media and cheap dopamine did their job, you need to hook people quickly or they’re gone. Probably forever.

Obstacle #2

People cheer on sustainability, but few let the money follow their words 🤥

At the same time, people don’t hesitate for a second when asked to pay premiums on overpriced iPhones with a fat brand margin. How to wrap a truly future-proof offer into an adequate sense of value and invite people to buy?

79% of people don’t pay premium for sustainable products.
Only 14% pay more than 10% (based on a German study, Statista, 2020).
Obstacle #3

Resource prices spike and buying power dwindles 🤕

If you produce physical products, this one hits the hardest. It's a market dynamic that kills your profits and creates harsh conditions to survive in the market – far from being empowered to realize a required paradigm shift.

IMF Primary Commodity Prices
The four pillars of our work

Get you ready for mission take-off


Ethical & Effective

Nuanced communication that sells your offer AND foreshadows a new paradigm



Intuitive interfaces to bring your mission alive without further agency support



Robust digital infrastructure tailored to your  needs, readily augmented and expanded


Fair Pricing

Transparent package prices instead of exploding cost estimates

Yes, we offer retainers for continuous support and sometimes, it sure makes sense to enter longer cycles of data capture, analysis and iteration.

But if that’s not required for you, we will propell you ahead in elevation, independence and empowerment – not bogged down by a smelly, sticky agency deal that you have to wash off later.

Scope extensions will be agreed upon with you, not pushed and coerced on you.
The regenerative quest needs to be abundantly funded

Can't change the world as a community service when others make a career out of destroying it

💸 Money

Let’s steer world-shaping streams of money in the right direction – starting with you

☄️ Mission

Dedicate your life to a confident mission, so that future generations can have one as well

🌍 Megatrend

Let’s start a wave of regeneration sweeping the planet – starting today

Growintoflow OU Logo

Book a free call to bring your challenge and take home clarity

Step #1

Click the link and book a free 40 minute call within the next two weeks.

Step #2

We’ll talk about your obstacles, and a strategy to jump them.

Step #3

We'll explore how we could help you – with or without hire, you’ll always get some nuggets.

(PS: If we’re not the right guys, we'll tell you – and gladly connect you, should we know someone better equipped to help you out)